Monday, October 29, 2012

Fear of Hurricane Sandy? It's called Lilapsophobia and I'm giving away a FREE Hypnosis MP3 to help you!

With the coming of hurricane Sandy, our phones have been ringing off the hook with people seeking hypnosis to help them "weather" it out. Fear of hurricanes and tornados is called Lilapsophobia, and it's more common than you might think.

Sure, it's normal to experience some level of anxiety when it comes to severe storms. However, people who suffer from this condition will exhibit extremely unusual behaviors. They often spend inordinate amounts of time watching the weather channel or tracking storms online. When the storm nears, they may hide under a bed or inside a closet, or activate an emergency action plan prematurely.

Lilapsophobia is generally learned from experience. Perhaps a person suffered a devastating loss in an earlier storm like hurricane Katrina or witnessed tragedy from such a storm as a child.

If you're in the path of Sandy and are one of these people, I've created a FREE MP3 download to help you entitled, "Overcome Your Fear of Hurricane Sandy with Hypnosis." Click here to get it now!

Click here to get it now!

Note: Now that Sandy has come and gone, the download link is no longer active. We certainly hope the download was beneficial to you!

Sanders Hypnosis Center of Maryland
(443) 494-9766

Friday, October 19, 2012

If you have no interest in helping people make positive changes in their lives, then don't read this

In my work at the Sanders Hypnosis Center of Maryland, many people enter our doors initially dissatisfied with their lives realizing that there is something missing. It's as if they're not living up to their true potential. They know they can, and should, be doing something better.

One particular client works in the insurance claims business and was completely miserable with what he does. He, like many people, have often told me they wish they could do what I do -that is to help people change their lives for the better. I tell them that each of us has this ability. It's just a matter of getting out there and doing it. Just make it happen. If you're wondering how, here's a terrific way to get started.

My wonderful and amazingly gifted friend, Tara Baldwin, a Master Life Coach and owner of BELIEVE Life Coaching and BELIEVE University, is giving people who want to make this world a better place that very opportunity -an opportunity to become a certified life coach (CLC). If helping people while earning a great living is not your calling, then don't read this.

Tara will be giving away a tremendous amount of her knowledge, garnered from years of experience of helping people and training with mentors like Tony Robbins. Under her guidance, you will become a terrific life coach. I know from personal experience that there are trainers out there who only trains others from a theoretical perspective -they don't practice what they train others to do. Tara walks the walk. She has had hundreds and hundreds of very satisfied clients. And she's willing to share how she does this with you.

Read on for more information, but before I leave you to Tara's course description, I'm going to add an additional incentive:

If you register for her course and tell her that Brian Sanders sent you, I will give you my "Confidence" home audio program 

Why would I do this? Because I know Tara's training will blow you away. It will change your life, and it will enable you to change others. It's sort of like "paying it forward." My "Confidence Hypnosis" Home Audio Program will help you build your confidence so that you when you're ready to help people with Tara's methods, you will hit the ground running. That's all -no strings attached. Just tell her I sent you and you will get my Confidence program.

Read on...

BELIEVE University
Live Certified Coaching TeleClass 
16 classes 
 ***After this program you will be a CLC, Certified Life Coach *** 

It's truly a privilege to do this great work. If you are called to serve, would like to be financially independent, spend more time with your family, and if you choose, live a location-independent lifestyle this is the career for you. Our goal as coaches is to help as many people as possible live what's most important to them, helping clients break through limiting habits/patterns, and live their best life! 

Clarity+ Forward Motion = Victory! 

What stands out at BELIEVE University is a staff who is the best in the business. Owner Tara Baldwin is a Master Life Coach, Tony Robbins Advanced Skills training, and has years of experience in coaching, coach training, speaking, seminars, workshops, and marketing. Plus experts in Marketing, and teachers with years in the business with ICF Curriculum coaching school backgrounds. We actually teach you how to coach, AND how to market. We are genuine, honest, connected people, passionate about coaching, and passionate about our school and our students. Quality over numbers. You can actually talk to us, and we will go the extra mile. It's our full circle life purpose to coach, and we are the luckiest people on the planet, because we get to live that everyday, and teach others to do the same. If after reading this, it feels right, we would love for you to join the BELIEVE U Family.

You can listen to the recordings anytime, or download them and take them with you. (Mp3 and wav files) 

Practice Live Coaching in Class! 
Class Dates: Jan. 29th 2012-March 26th 2013 
Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7pm EST-10pm EST 

***Get your tuition back, our generous referral program offers 20% commissions on the spot

*** Reg Class Cost: $3500 by Jan. 2nd 2013 Cut off Date
Early Re enroll before Dec. 1st 2012: $3197 $Save $300$ 
Early Re Enroll before Nov. 1st 2012: $2897 $$Save 600$$ 

To sign up: 
Email to confirm you want to enroll in class. I will send you an agreement form to make it official. Payments are accepted through PayPal:, even (if you do not have a paypal account you can send payment from a bank or credit card account.) **Your seat will not be saved until agreement form is filled out.** 

Call 410-991-5629 for questions and to speak with a real person to make you feel more comfortable in purchasing recordings. 

**In this class you will:** 
Learn Coaching Structure, Core Competencies, and Ethics. (ICF Curric) 
Develop Powerful Questioning and Active Listening Skills 
Get the tools for Marketing your business
Keep up with what's going on now! 

Discover how to create multiple streams of income with Ease Practice Coaching Skills such as: 
Goal Setting, 
Belief Flipping, 
Intuition Laser Coaching, 
The Linear side NLP, and the Spiritual Side, even some neuroscience. (Well Rounded Coaching) Environment for Success Awareness
Stress management
Place of Resilience=Power place 
Mirroring and many more coaching tools and exercises to use with your clients

Eat placenta to beat the post-partum blues? You bet!

As a certified HypnoBirthing Practitioner  I am fascinated by topics like this. If you're pregnant or planning to get pregnant, this you have to read!

I ran into an old friend the other day who owns Gourmet Placenta, a placenta encapsulation company located in Glen Burnie, Maryland. Curious, I asked what she does. Her response was that she takes the placenta shortly after a woman's birth, processes it using a proprietary method of steaming and dehydration, and ultimately grinds it into a powder that is placed into vegetarian capsules. It's then returned to the mom for her to ingest in the weeks and months after birth. "Why would anybody want to do this," I asked. She explained that this technique hails all the way back to traditional Chinese medicine which provides benefits for the new mom that is supported by a tremendous amount of modern research.

I started to investigate this on my own and she was absolutely correct. Ingesting one's own placenta after it has been encapsulated helps the mom in a number of ways. It can deter the onset of post-partum depression, increase lactation, promote rest and relaxation and increased energy levels, facilitate oxytocin and prostaglandin production, replenish iron supplies, and so much more. I could really go on and on about the benefits of doing this. It's totally worth looking into if you're prego, especially if you're prone to PPD. For more information, visit

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Everything You Need To Know About Hypnosis (And More!) on!

My book, Everything You Need To Know About Hypnosis (And More!) is now available for download on It is only $.99 for a limited time. The price will definitely increase soon.

If you have been seeking a no-nonsense explanation of hypnosis and some easy-to-apply techniques to help yourself make positive change, whether it be to lose weight, quit smoking, eliminate stress, or more, this is for you.

Click here to easily find it on!