As a certified HypnoBirthing Practitioner I am fascinated by topics like this. If you're pregnant or planning to get pregnant, this you have to read!
I ran into an old friend the other day who owns Gourmet Placenta, a placenta encapsulation company located in Glen Burnie, Maryland. Curious, I asked what she does. Her response was that she takes the placenta shortly after a woman's birth, processes it using a proprietary method of steaming and dehydration, and ultimately grinds it into a powder that is placed into vegetarian capsules. It's then returned to the mom for her to ingest in the weeks and months after birth. "Why would anybody want to do this," I asked. She explained that this technique hails all the way back to traditional Chinese medicine which provides benefits for the new mom that is supported by a tremendous amount of modern research.
I started to investigate this on my own and she was absolutely correct. Ingesting one's own placenta after it has been encapsulated helps the mom in a number of ways. It can deter the onset of post-partum depression, increase lactation, promote rest and relaxation and increased energy levels, facilitate oxytocin and prostaglandin production, replenish iron supplies, and so much more. I could really go on and on about the benefits of doing this. It's totally worth looking into if you're prego, especially if you're prone to PPD. For more information, visit
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