Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Virtual Gastric Band With Hypnotherapy

Have you thought about having a Gastric Band fitted or Gastric Bypass Surgery without doing your research? Do you comfort eat when you are unhappy, alone, bored or stressed? Do you think that having a Gastric Band fitted, which is an invasive procedure and can cause discomfort and has cost lives will change your attitude to only eating when you are hungry?

Interest in Gastric Bands and Gastric Bypass Surgery has increased with celebrity admissions such as Sharon Osbourne, Roseanne Barr, Al Roker, and Carnie Wilson, whom have publicly admitted they have used the Gastric Band or the Gastric Bypass procedure to lose weight. But is the Gastric Bypass or Gastric Band Surgery procedure 100% safe, the answer is no!

According to a study by researchers at the University of Washington, it was found that 1 in 50 people die within one month of having gastric bypass surgery, and that figure jumps nearly fivefold if the surgeon is inexperienced. Gastric Band Surgery is also extremely risky. Not only has this procedure caused discomfort with patients, but it has also claimed the lives of Gastric band patients including the life of Bernadette Reid, Suzanne Murphy 29, and Marilyn Wardrop 54, just to name a few. One life lost to an invasive procedure is one life to many.

There is a range of post-operative problems reported with gastric bands, and over 80% of patients will experience one or more of the following symptoms:

Nausea and vomiting (50%)
Reflux or regurgitation of food (35%)
Slipped band (25%)
Obstruction or blockage (15%)
Difficulty swallowing

If these complications cause you serious discomfort your band may need to be adjusted or removed. This involves further surgery, exposing you to all the associated risks once again.

Losing Weight when you have temptations or no will power is not an easy route to take but if you are trying to lose weight only to then pile more pounds on, then you should think about losing weight the safe way, by having a Virtual Gastric Band.

A Virtual Gastric Band, also known as Gastric Band Hypnotherapy or the Hypnotic Gastric Band, allows you to be convinced that you have a Gastric Band fitted where you will have all of the feelings without the risk and discomfort that an Invasive Gastric Band Surgery would bring, and you will still lose weight.

Here are some of the Benefits that a Virtual Gastric Band with Hypnotherapy would bring:

1. With Virtual Gastric Bands (Gastric Band Hypnotherapy) or (Hypnotic Gastric Band) there is NO invasive Surgery
2. No fears about having surgery to have a Gastric Band Fitted
3. No Discomfort with having a virtual Gastric Band
4. Virtual Gastric Bands are much more cost effective
5. No Time off work with a Virtual Gastric Band fitted
6. No Gastric Bands Complications with Surgery

Recently, several European gastric band hypnosis practictioners have been highlighted in the news. ABC News ran a nationwide story on the positive successes of the Gastric Mind Band System and Chicago's ABC Affiliate aired a similar story on the Virtual Gastric Band system. The Virtual Gastric Band System, which is the approach used at the Sanders Hypnosis Center, has had documented clinical success in a recent UK study where National Health Service patients saw a 95% success rate in group trials.

Call the Sanders Hypnosis Center today at 443-494-9766 for your free telephone consultation, and to see if Virtual Gastric Band hHypnosis is right for you.

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